SHIPtember 2015 Reveal!
22/09/15 13:55 Filed in: News

We did it! Here's the overall sideview of the SHIP we call “Aries-K” (referencing the Greek name for Mars and a tongue-in-cheek nod to this classic!) as completed after 21.5 hours of un-interrupted building by a crew of 4.
The principal ship builders were:
Jason Allemann - mechanical engineering, rotating rings
Michael Gale - hangar bays, bridge, and electrical engineering
Kristal Dubois - engine nacelles, interiors
Lucie Filteau - interiors and crew
Key Specifications:
- 237 x 90 x 90 studs (L x W x H)
- Large rotating habitat ring powered by 2x Power Functions XL motors and fully fitted interior
- Smaller size rotating accommodation ring powered by 2x Power Functions M-motors also with fully fitted interior
- Rotating engine core using 1x PF M-motor and illuminated by 3x RGB LED light clusters
- 2x forward hangar bay decks for receiving small spacecraft
- 27x blinking navigation lights across the entire ship (red port/green starboard markers, white/red fore/aft marker lights on rings, white/red strobe nav lights)
Time lapse videos of the build:
Camera 1:
Camera 2:
A video showing the two counter-rotating rings:
SHIPtember 2015
17/09/15 09:15 Filed in: News

I've always wanted to participate in SHIPtember, but due to other commitments or just plain "creative intimidation" I haven't.
Up until now that is.
For those who are not familiar with SHIPtember, it is an annual event (held in September) in which participants build a very large large spaceship that is at least 100 studs long in any dimension. The name SHIP is an acronym for Seriouly Huge Investment in Parts referring to how much brick is required to build something on this scale! You only have the month of September in which to build the ship and you are strongly encouraged to share your progress Work In Progress (WIP) photos in the SHIPtember flickr group.
My participation is going to be a little bit different. Firstly, it is a collaboration with my friend Jason Allemann. Secondly, we thought it would be more fun if we attempted to complete the ship in 24 hours rather than 30 days! There's no point wondering if your ship is any good or worrying about creative block if you give yourself these constraints:
1) 24 hours start to finish, no breaks
2) use only the parts & electronics on hand, i.e. no last minute purchases on bricklink
3) work with other builders and make it twice as big! 200 studs baby!
Not only will we build twice a SHIP, but we've got some electronic and mechanical tricks up our sleeves to add a new "spin" to SHIP building!
Join us Saturday Sep 19th 09:00am EDT.
Follow our progress as we upload hourly progress photos on:
Multiple camera feeds with time-lapse plus features videos during the build to follow!