SHIPtember 2015 Reveal!
22/09/15 13:55 Filed in: News

We did it! Here's the overall sideview of the SHIP we call “Aries-K” (referencing the Greek name for Mars and a tongue-in-cheek nod to this classic!) as completed after 21.5 hours of un-interrupted building by a crew of 4.
The principal ship builders were:
Jason Allemann - mechanical engineering, rotating rings
Michael Gale - hangar bays, bridge, and electrical engineering
Kristal Dubois - engine nacelles, interiors
Lucie Filteau - interiors and crew
Key Specifications:
- 237 x 90 x 90 studs (L x W x H)
- Large rotating habitat ring powered by 2x Power Functions XL motors and fully fitted interior
- Smaller size rotating accommodation ring powered by 2x Power Functions M-motors also with fully fitted interior
- Rotating engine core using 1x PF M-motor and illuminated by 3x RGB LED light clusters
- 2x forward hangar bay decks for receiving small spacecraft
- 27x blinking navigation lights across the entire ship (red port/green starboard markers, white/red fore/aft marker lights on rings, white/red strobe nav lights)
Time lapse videos of the build:
Camera 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2kOR_BKpM8
Camera 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuwFq0rf7n4
A video showing the two counter-rotating rings: www.flickr.com/photos/michaelgale/21564254045/in/datepost...