05/05/15 12:27 Filed in: News

I have started a new experiment: L-Gauge.org.
L-Gauge is a unified "brand" or umbrella to capture useful information about the LEGO train hobby for both beginners and experienced alike. The name "L-Gauge" was chosen to assert itself among other traditional model train scales/gauges. It is hoped that "L-Gauge" will be perceived with the legitimacy and respect it deserves among our model train peers.
The L-Gauge logo is designed to be simple, clear, and familiar. It is an obvious acknowledgement of the familiar, yet abandoned LEGO Group logo for the Lego Trains theme. Lego Trains is no longer a distinct theme within the Lego group product range. Thus, "L-Gauge" attempts to be common voice to promote, share, and celebrate this hobby theme in the context of other Lego themes and other model train specialties.
L-Gauge is not a "standards" body. It has no official status. It does not dictate practice and methods. It is simply a community resource. A resource which I hope will be nurtured by the community itself.
L-Gauge will be built in the spirit of open source/creative commons. Its public website l-gauge.org will share its content using the familiar WikiMedia platform as used by Wikipedia and countless other organizations. This content platform will allow it to grow organically and hopefully extend into other languages.
This is by no means complete or fully categorized; however, examples of the content that L-Gauge will attempt to capture include the following:
Basic Information
- track geometry (standard and narrow gauge systems)
- reference track configurations
- suggested loading gauge(s)
- wheel profiles
- wheelbase and bogie geometries
- magnetic coupler characteristics and methods
- LDraw libraries
- BlueBrick libraries
- other addons, utilities, etc.
- LPub templates
- Ballasting standards
- Useful bogie and truck designs
- Coupler designs and methods
- Common infrastructure items (huts, signals, bridges, retaining walls, etc.)
- Reference track configurations
- Sample track plans
- Big spline curve designs
- Modular community/LUG collaborative standards
- Other modular standards, e.g. MILS
- Baseboards/benchwork
- 9V & DC electrical reference
- motor performance reference guide
- sample/proven drivetrain methods
- lighting and accessories
- advanced topics: DCC, Mindstorms, etc.
- new track product wishlist
- new wheels, couplers, accessories wishlist
- advanced control systems
- About
- Logos and branding assets
- FAQs
- links to other Lego train hobby sites
- links to related commercial vendors (e.g. ME Models, Big Ben, etc.)
The L-Gauge "Expert" brand is intended for identifying topics, content, etc. which are more advanced either by complexity, cost, non-traditional/controversial methods, etc.
The L-Gauge "Digital" brand is a placeholder for now. However, I think there is a better future for integrating proven control systems like DCC into the Lego train hobby.
Initially, the MediaWiki platform will be edited by me in order to get it off the ground. Later, I will nominate additional editors/volunteers to act as a quasi-editorial board to add and curate additional content. I want all of the content on this site to be of the highest quality. It must be clear, concise and consistent. I am not sure if any "formal" governance structure will emerge or even be necessary--we shall see. For now it is a benevolent dictatorship! ;)
All I can say is stay tuned and hopefully I haven't over-extended myself with this experiment!